
Customer Testimonials

Rohit Kinra

VP Account Management, Iron Mountain

Steve makes the process of acquiring domains very easy. If you are looking for professional and fully managed domain acquisition service, Name Arena is the best choice for a brokerage company. I told him my domain requirements, he provided an honest assessment and successfully delivered on what he promised.

Davor Bonaci

CEO, Operiant Inc

I was truly impressed by Steve's knowledge, experience, clear and up-to-date communication, and pretty much everything else. While specific results cannot be promised in this business, the results have definitely exceeded my expectations.

Amy Liga McNamara, Director of Administration

Blue Martini Lounge

Name Arena was the selling broker for a domain that my company purchased. I was new to buying domains in the secondary market and they were very professional and helpful throughout the transaction. I was very happy to have worked with Name Arena because they were efficient in their negotiation and made the purchase process very smooth.

Tara Martin, General Council


Name Arena helped us acquire an important and strategic country code domain for our business. It was a very complex acquisition give the international aspect, but Name Arena was able to purchase the name at a reasonable because of their knowledge and expertise. We will definitely continue to use Name Arena for future domain name acquisitions.

Jothan Frakes

Executive Director of The Domain Name Association

NameArena will be a great success and I am certain that clients will be well served and happy. Steve Miholovich is a well connected, deeply respected and fair-minded professional. I have known and collaborated on projects and domain industry work with him for more than 14 years.

Mike Rodenbaugh, Partner

Rodenbaugh Law

Steve is a go-to guy in the domain name business. He knows a great deal about the secondary market for domains. He knows someone just about everywhere, and is very well respected in the industry. He gets stuff done.

Michael Brodsky, CEO

Vajra Fund

I have worked with Steve on a number of projects where we needed to acquire domains for new businesses that we were launching. We continue to work with him because he provides a very high level of service and always delivers for us.

Andrew Barr, Co-founder, Prefer.com

"Acquiring our core domain name was critical to launching our business.  Thankfully, we worked with Steve who handled everything for us.  We were able to focus on our launch plans knowing that he would handle the domain acquisition process end to end.  We were very happy with the service he provided."

Mike Silbert, Deputy General Counsel, URBN

"I have worked with Steve on domain name matters for over 9 years.  He consistently performs at a very high level.  I don't know anyone who has more knowledge about the domain name industry or has more contacts.  If you want results, he is your best choice for a domain broker.

Betty Forsberg, United States

"I am extremely happy with the work Steve did to sell my premium domain name.  He was very professional, responsive and honest throughout the entire process.  I worked with other brokers previously and Steve was by far the most knowledgeable and was able to find a buyer who paid my target price.  I highly recommend Steve and his domain brokerage services."
Premium Domains